Contact Lenses/Glasses

Hey there my lovelies. I have had a migraine since yesterday so I'm sorry if I go into a little ramble today. I have always suffered with headaches/migraines which is one of the reasons that I started to wear my glasses a lot more. My optician said I have quite dry eyes so I began wearing them all day at work and whenever else I felt the need, plus I began using eye drops 3 times a day.

So here are the gorgeous glasses that I treated myself to when I started to wear them a lot more.


I bought these lovelies from Vision Express. I believe they were around £300, but I just loved the frames and figured that if I'm wearing them pretty much every day then why not :)


I bought this Primark case a couple of months ago which is great to pop my glasses in as sometimes the Prada case that the glasses came with pops open. This case also came in white and red. I know it's original purpose was meant for sunglasses, but it works for me.


This picture really doesn't show what a hot pink colour the lining of this case is inside. I love it. 

Now on to the contact lenses. I have been trying these out recently as there are times when I have spent some time on my eye make-up, but it becomes hidden behind my glasses.

Firstly I tried the 1-Day ACUVUE Moist lenses. They were quite comfortable, but I felt like my eyes were a little dry by the afternoon while I was at work.

Secondly I tried the 1 day Clariti. These seemed to be not as drying. I was told they are made of a better material. They were the same price as the 1-Day ACUVUE Moist. £42 for 30 pairs. 

When I went to my first contact lense appointment at Vision Express I tried a few lenses to see how they felt without being told what they were. I ended up with the 1-Day ACUVUE Moist lenses. After 5 days of trying them I went back and was told that everything looked okay so I bought 30 pairs rather than committing to a direct debit scheme straight away. The trial is completely free. The optician said that as my eyes are quite dry I could try some other lenses another time if I found these uncomfortable. The 1 day Clariti had not been offered to me on this day?

I liked the lenses, but when I had almost finished them I asked if I could try the other lenses that the optician had mentioned to me as I thought they might be more comfortable and less drying. I was told to come in again to try them out. 

These were the 1 day Clariti. They appeared to be comfortable so I took them away for another 5 days. This trial again was free. I returned and was told that I had a few scratches on my eyes, but that they would heal easily after a couple of days of not wearing lenses or by using contact lense drops as my eyes are quite dry. I ordered a months supply of the contact lenses, but was told they didn't have any in so I would have to come back to pick them up. I asked if they could be posted to me as I don't live in that area, but they said no. I was told it would only take a few days for them to arrive. I had a few pairs of the other lenses left so I thought this would be fine.

The lenses did not come within a few days. They had no idea why they hadn't been delivered. After many times of me phoning they said I could pick up 5 pairs of their trial packs which are exactly the same to tie me over till mine arrived. I picked them up and explained that I did not live in the area and asked if they could post my order on to me when it arrived as I don't have a car so it would just be easier for me. I also asked if a refund was possible so that I could buy them elsewhere if I needed to. They were obviously reluctant to do this. They told me to call back if I hadn't heard from them in another few days. I did this and they sent me 25 trial lenses for 1 eye and a full pack of 30 for the other. I was still 5 short on 1 eye. 

I phoned them again and they said they would send me 10 extra pairs for the inconvenience along with my missing 5 when they arrived. They did do this, but I was still disappointed with the service. I will not be joining their direct debit scheme that's for sure.

Despite all this hassle I was happy with the lenses and the fact that the trials were free. That is until I started to get a blurring in my left eye on some days when I put the lense in so I had to take it out. My right eye was fine. I have been wearing my glasses again for the last week or so as I don't want to waste any more lenses as they are daily disposables. I am so annoyed as I thought my lenses saga was over :( I have made an appointment for Friday 22nd July to see what's going on. 

I couldn't resist doing some glasses shots for you as I do love my glasses really.

Do you have any favourite contact lenses? Where do you buy yours from? Have you experienced a similar problem to me with the eye blurriness? 

Love to you all


  1. the glasses really suit you.
    I have to wear glasses all the time too and have done since i was 12. I am extremely jealous of those who have 20/20 vision! x

  2. @Temporary:Secretary - Aww thanks Hunny. I do really like them. It must be nice not to have eyesight problems though xx

  3. I wear glasses and contacts and when I wear my contacts I do find I get that dry eye thing going on. I have the ones you wear for a month then chuck. Specsavers own brand, I have astigmatism in one eye which seems to make finding cheap but none drying lenses difficult. x

  4. @Enigma - Hopefully I will find out whatever is on Friday. I have stigmatism in my right eye x
