My Blog Cards

Hello Cherubs. I have been a busy sausage of late, but I still like to find the time to blog. My blog is something I have become seriously addicted to because I enjoy writing and sharing my thoughts on beauty products. I love experimenting with make-up and nail looks too. I attended a couple of PR events recently and met some fantastic people. A few Bloggers that I met advised me to get some cards made up to promote my blog so that I would be remembered. I felt a bit nervous about doing this at first as my blog is a year old where many others are much older and more experienced, but then I thought how did they do so well? I am proud of my blog so I thought just go for it. I used Vistaprint to make my cards up and here are the results.

This is the front and back. I am pleased with the overall look, but a little concerned that the writing may not be clear enough for people to read easily. Maybe next time I will go for a different font.

Let me know your thoughts on my cards. Do you like the way they look? Do you think I should have designed them differently? Have you got any cards made up to promote your blog? Where did you get yours?

Love to you all

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