All You Want For Christmas

Hello my beautiful Beauty Addicts. I am not going to bore you with it, but I am still feeling very poorly which is why this is going a very wee post indeed.

I have seen a lot of people blogging and vlogging about Xmas gifts for others, but I want to know what is on your Xmas wish lists? What are the things you really want? Big or small. Practical or simply fabulous just let me know.

From a beauty blogger point of view a number of things appeal to me, but I do love a suprise. I get a buzz out of buying presents for others. It's aways a bit stressful as I hate buying things that I'm not sure someone will like or that don't look like I have put much effort into.

Anyway, I would love to know the presents on your wish lists. The main point is that it will give me ideas for others and perhaps one or two may end up on my wish list (cheeky I know ;) ).

I haven't even started my Xmas shopping which is so unlike me so all thoughts and ideas are appreciated.

Love to you all

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