I Got A Liebster Award :)

Hello, hello, hello Beautifully Addicted Lovelies. I have a smile on my face as I have been nominated for a Liebster Award by the lovely Shelley from The Shelley Diaries. Shelley has a very new blog which you should really check out!

There are rules to abide by to receive and give this award:
1. List 11 facts about yourself.

2. Answer the 11 questions given to you.

3. Ask 11 new questions for the bloggers you nominate for the award.

4. Choose 9 bloggers with 200 or less followers to nominate.

5. Go to each blogger's page and let them know about the award.

6. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.

11 Facts About Me

1. I am 35 Years Old.

2. I have been with my fella for 10 years.

3. I have no pets.

4. I used to have my belly button pierced, but not anymore.

5. I am an only child.

6. I dislike most computer games except Sonic The Hedgehog.

7. I am not a fan of roast dinners so Sunday's are not traditional for me.

8. I hate foods such as prawns (except prawn toast) and mushrooms because of their textures.

9. I was named after my Dad (he was Victor and I am Victoria).

10. I love horror films.

11. I was obsessed with joke books as a child and now I can't remember any.

My Questions From Shelley:

1. If you were stranded on a desert Island what 3 products would you take?

A massive parasol because I burn so easily. A snuggly blanket because I hate being cold. Photos of my loved ones.

2. What is you favourite trend for Spring/Summer?

I do like a bit of floral print and I quite like the the pastel shades that are currently trending.

3. If you had an unlimited amount of money to spend in one shop, what shop would it be?

I would have to say Boots because I could buy soooooooooooooooooo many beauty products and my advantage points would go through the roof, ha ha.

4. Heels or flat?

On a day to day flats for sure, but nights out are usually always heels.

5. Creepers - Do you love them or hate them and why?

I just bought a pair in this haul post. They are so comfy.

6. What is you dream job?

Being paid to blog or write for a magazine. I would love to do some type of PR work.

7. What was your dream Job as a Child and why?

My first thought was that I wanted to be a secretary as I love to be organised and be responsible. I have worked in offices as I do now, but never as a secretary.

8. Movie night with friends or a big night out on the town and why?

On a regular basis we have movie nights in where we usually cook, but sometimes get a take away. I do enjoy a night on the town though as it's great getting dressed up and dancing the night away.

9. What is your favourite move?

I think this was meant to say movie? If so, I would have to say the first Ice Age for a giggle or Meet Joe Black for romance and some sobbing. I pretty much like anything with Brad Pitt in as yes he is adorable, but I really do like him as an actor.

10. What is your must have beauty product?

E.L.F. Studio High Definition Powder Translucent because it makes skin look beautiful and sets your base.

11. What is your favourite outfit or item of clothing and why?

I do love to just chuck on a pair of leggings with a long top, biker jacket and flats.

So here are the 11 questions that I put to these 9 bloggers:

My Questions To My 9 Nominated Bloggers:

1. What made you want to start your blog?

2. Who's blogs inspire you and why?

3. What blog posts are your favourite to read?

4. What is your favourite skincare product and why?

5. What is your favourite make-up product and why?

6. What item from your closet do you wear most often?

7. Who is your style icon and why?

8. Who is your favourite blogger and why?

9. How would you describe your style?

10. What about your appearance do you get complimented on the most?

11. What are your ambitions?

Please make sure to link back to me with your answers so that I can have a good read.

Love to you all


  1. Great answers :)
    I love reading these posts as you 'get to know' each other better and discover new blogs!

    I'm with you on the roast Dinner thing and on the heels and flats.



    1. I think it is such a good idea too. Thanks for nominating me once again.

      Everyone looks at me like I'm a weirdo when I turn my nose up to a roast. I have eaten them, but there are other foods I'd much rather have. And lets face it flats are just more comfortable :)


  2. Aww thanks, I'm just under 200 :p I'll get this done soon :)

  3. Okay here is mine, I gave you the award too :)

    1. Aww thanks Hun. I can't find that post on your blog though?
