My 1st Graze Box

Hey Everyone and Happy Sunday! I wish weekends were a bit longer, but don't we all. Today I have my very 1st Graze Box to show you. I have been debating about getting started with Graze for a very long time, but just thought I could chuck some dried fruit and nuts together myself for healthy snacking at a cheaper price. However when looking at the Graze website a little more and realising there are a few boxes to choose from and a variety of 100 different snacks I knew I had to try it out. The three types of boxes are as follows:

The Eat Well Box ~ A selection of healthy recipes with the odd treat now and again. 

The Boost Box ~  The strictest, most healthy box with the most nutrient dense foods to give you a natural boost. 

The Light Box ~ All the lowest calorie nibbles. Everything’s between 50 and 150 calories and nothing tastes like diet food. Great if you’re watching your weight. 

I went for the Light Box as I am trying to be healthy most of the time and hope that these snacks will encourage me to be as there is a lot of variety. I do actually enjoy eating these type of foods so it's not torture for me.

So here is my Graze Light Box. I like how it feels personal with my name on the information card. Inside is all the nutritional information for each snack box. Underneath this information are the use by dates. I would prefer these on the actual boxes, but at least the information is there. There is also an information booklet all about Graze. I love the cute napkin which I found underneath my snacks.

My four boxes are Summer Berry Compote With Wholemeal Shortbread, Hot Cross Yum, Tropical Daiquiri & Bonnie Wee Oatbakes.

I like how Graze will send you random snacks so that it's a surprise, but you do get the opportunity to 'Bin' snacks if you don't want or like them. I binned one with olives before this came as I really don't like them. After trying each snack i will rate them so Graze will know if I 'Like', 'Love', want to 'Try' or have Binned. There is also a tick box option to 'send soon'. 

So far I have opted to have my Graze Box sent to me every two weeks to see if I like it. The box easily goes through normal sized letter boxes as they are just a little bigger than A5 size so you don't have to be home to receive it or sign for it. You can also choose a preferred delivery day. Graze deliver nationwide and delivery is free. Boxes are prepared 5 days before delivery. You can opt to push back deliveries if for example you are going on holiday and won't need it. The boxes can be delivered to more than one address which you can add to your account. The boxes are also recyclable.

I work 4 days per week so I plan on taking one to work each day next week to try them out. Each box is usually £3.89 which works out to be less than £1.00 per snack. I have been given a code for you to try out a free Graze Box :)

Enter this code when you place your order to receive your free box and share the code with friends if you like. You do have to enter card details to sign up for your free box, but if you are not happy to continue just cancel your future boxes.

For more information on Graze check out their website here.

I am trying to get a wee bit healthier and fitter for the summer so I am also taking part in the Squat Challenge and the Planking Challenge. I started on the 1st April so by the end of April I will have completed them both. For those who don't know the Squat Challenge are Squats each day for 30 days which increase in the amount each day with every fourth day off. I also use hand weights while squatting. The Planking Challenge is 1 minute of planking every day.

Have any of you tried Graze before? If yes, what are your favourite boxes and snacks from the range? Are you taking part in the Squat Challenge and/or the Planking Challenge? If yes, how are you doing? Let me know in the comments below.

Love to you all


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