Skin Care Tag

Hey everyone and happy, happy Saturday. I think my neon nails that I have just painted may have woken me up this morning :)

I have a tag post for you today about skincare. I haven't done a tag post in ages and I do like doing them as they get me thinking. Plus I'm dead nosey so I like to read what other blogger's say in them. I was tagged by Laura from Stuff Laura Found. Laura is very new to blogging so if you could check out her blog that would be great.

So here is my skincare tag post ........

1 ~ Describe your skin care routine in five words.

Changeable, Cleanse, Scrub, Moisturise & Tone.
As a blogger I am always trying new products, but the routine is pretty much the same. I say tone last as I couldn't live without my Crystal Clear Lift Away The Years wand now. See my initial impressions of the skincare tool and products here and the follow up review here.

2 ~ What's your skin type?
Dry, dry, dry. I have a lot of hyper pigmentation on my face too.

3 ~ What's your favourite skin care product?
The Crystal Clear Lift Away The Years wand mentioned in question 1.

4 ~ Top blemish zapper.
I usually only get them when I am hormonal. I just try to keep the area as cleansed as possible and avoid wearing make-up when I don't need it. I never wear make-up when I am at home. Sometimes I will use a hot flannel to try and pop it naturally. I try to avoid popping spots though as this can lead to scarring. I have used toothpaste on the area at night to try and dry them out too.

5 ~ Face wipes, yay or nay?

I do use them, but I use the exfoliating type to remove make-up and dirt before cleansing etc. I like these ones from Nivea and these from Biore.
6 ~ High-end skin care or high-end makeup?
Whatever your make-up sits on is your base. Make-up can do so much, but skincare can make you glow, prevent or reduce oiliness, dryness, wrinkles etc. I wouldn't say that either make-up or skincare needs to be high end it's just whatever works for you. I am a bargain junkie, but I have used products that are more than what I usually pay that work. This is why I am always honest and when blogging let you know if I think products are worth the price.

7 ~ What's the most unusual skin care product you've tried?
Probably a self heating face masque as I hadn't realised that it was self heating. Here is a link to this product.

8 ~ You're in a French pharmacy and can only pick up one item. What is it?
I would say the Bioderma Crealine H20 Micellar Solution as it's a very hyped product in the blogging community. Perhaps over hyped I don't know, but I would no doubt pick some up if I were in France.
9 ~ Tell us your top skin care tip...
Do not wear make-up if you are not going anywhere. Your skin needs to breath and why waste products or your time if you are just going to be snuggled on the sofa watching a movie?
I tag all bloggers that want to do this tag post. If you are not a blogger, but still want to let others know your skincare tips please leave them in the comments below.
Love to you all