Haul: My Boohoo Bargains

Hey there cuties. I have done some more shopping, but at bargain prices so I don't feel too naughty ;) Here are my Boohoo purchases .......

These are really wearable easy to throw on items that will keep me warm. These did come in a range of four colours, but at the moment the only colours available are Black & Grey. I had a 20% of discount code so these ended up being £16.00 each. The wine shade is more burgundy than it appears in this photo.

I have been umming and ahhing over whether or not to get this t-shirt for a while as I wasn't sure how it would look on. This looks very creased in this photo as it has been in a bag, but I actually don't mind the creased effect. You can see how it looks without the creasing in the link above. With the 20% off this was £9.60.

Now although these don't look super flattering here lying flat on my kitchen floor trust me when I say they look much better on. Check out the link above to see what I mean. These were already reduced in price and such a bargain for £15.00.

So that's it for this Boohoo haul. Let me know if you want to see any of these items in an outfit post. 

Have you found any bargains on Boohoo lately? If yes, let me know what you picked up in the comments below.

Love to you all

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