Review Of The DHC Bio Cellulose Mask

Hi there my sweet readers. I have had a bit of a busy week so finally I can now get to blogging once again. Today I have a review for you of the DHC Bio Cellulose Mask. I tried this out last Sunday and I think scared my boyfriend a bit. You will see why from the photo within this post :)

So here is a little information about this product .......

Made from fermented coconut water, the unique gel sheet mask clings to the contours of the face to deliver a hydrating serum of botanicals, vitamins and moisturisers. Ingredients include soothing neem leaf, conditioning shell ginger, hydrating amino acids and antioxidant vitamin c.
Apply to a cleansed face. Simply remove the protective films from the mask and place on the face with the tab on the right hand side. Leave for 20 minutes, then remove, pressing any remaining fluid into the skin.

I have never used a face mask like this before and it did look like something I may need for Halloween I must admit. This gel mask is a bit fiddly to apply because of it's gel texture and the liquid that saturates it. Be careful when opening the packaging as the liquid may pore out. I peeled the outer layers from both sides of the mask before applying it which I would not advise. I think it would be easier to only remove the inner layer that sits against your face, press the mask onto your face and then remove the outer layer. As a guidance the tab should be on the top right of your face. The mask can be manoeuvred to fit your face shape at this point so don't worry if it's not a perfect fit. I would just be careful around the eye area due to the liquid. I pressed the mask into my face to ensure the liquid was absorbing into my skin. This did feel a bit weird at first because of the texture, but you get used to it. Be warned you won't look pretty at this point. Think Jason in the film Halloween. 
It has a cooling and refreshing feel on the skin. It didn't tingle and I had no uncomfortable sensation. It moulded pretty well to the contours of my face. Not perfectly around my eyes, but there are so many face shapes and sizes that this I could understand. I pressed the mask onto those areas that didn't sit as perfectly every now and then during my 20 minute facial treat. The mask does not slip at all. It does not feel tight either. It just seals against the skin a little more while you wear it. 
When it was time to remove the mask it came off really easily and there was no pulling on the skin. As advised I pressed the excess liquid moisture leftover from the mask into my face. It felt a bit sticky though and I didn't love the smell that this liquid seemed to have, but I didn't notice it when the mask was on. I let it absorb for about 5 minutes, then gently used a face wipe to remove that sticky feeling and applied a face oil to give my skin a really good moisturise.
The results:
My skin really did feel plumped and new. It also looked smoother and more even in skin tone. My pores had closed up really well and were virtually undetectable. I really don't believe that any other skincare treatment like this could reduce them anymore. I am really impressed with the results from this mask. I think that what it did for my skin was fantastic. If you have really open or large pores I would so go and try this now. It has now been 5 days since I used the mask and my skin is still reaping the rewards. My pores are still shrunken down and my skin still looks more even than it did in tone. A top skincare product for me!
I would be happy to use this product again, but probably once a month or in preparation for an event as at the price it could be costly to use every week. I would say it's worth the price though due to the the results. Great for pamper nights in with the girls and good fun. 
Tip: I read some reviews online also and someone had advised that they used the excess liquid left in the packaging and applied it to their neck. Such a great idea, but I had thrown my packaging away at this point. For those with creping around the chest area I would even suggest using it their too.
So now for the scary mask photo. Prepare yourself you have been warned!

This was the mask when first applied. Sorry I cropped the top off, but you get the idea. 
You can purchase this product from for £7.50 per mask.
A selection of DHC products are also available at BeautyMART and Selfridges London.
Have you tried any gel masks like this before? If yes, how did they work for you? Let me know in the comments below.

Love to you all

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