The Watch Gallery London Fashion Weekend Competition

Hi there sweeties. I have been out in the wind and rain today picking up a couple of Xmas pressies, but I am still not finished. Please tell me that I am not the only one?

Anyway today's post is my entry to the etailPR The Watch Gallery London Fashion Weekend competition. There are golden tickets available for 6 winning bloggers to attend LFWend February 2014.

This Gold ticket will include:

- Entrance to Vodafone London Fashion Weekend
- Shop exclusive offers from over 80 designers
- Trend Catwalk Show
- Designer Catwalk Show
- Access to a packed programme of industry talks
- Limited edition designer tote bag, filled with treats (Only available while stocks last)

To win this experience at London Fashion Weekend bloggers must create a blog post about their favourite watch case material such as steel, rose gold or even diamonds using watches from

I have wanted a rose gold watch ever since the rose gold trend came about, but never got one. Rose gold is still the watch case material that attracts me the most so here are my favourite watches from the ladies rose gold section on The Watch Gallery website.

L-R: 1234 & 5

I like watches that are quite clean looking and by that I mean that they look classic and simplistic enough to wear with any outfit. Something that will stand the test of time (excuse the pun) and that I will keep forever. I do like diamonds on some watches too, but diamonds that are a detail rather than all over bling. Something like my choice no.5.

I have never attended London Fashion Weekend and so to experience it would be so exciting.

If you would like to enter this etailPR blogger network competition you must email the URL of your blog post to
Entries for this competition will close at 10am, Thursday 2nd January 2014. 
What are your favourite features when purchasing a watch? Let me know along with your picks from in the comments below.

Love to you all

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