Liebster Award

Hi lovelies. Thank goodness that my working week is over. Apologies if you are at work tomorrow, but I just had to say it. Recently I have been given a Liebster Award. I have posted this tag when awarded this previously from another blogger, but I thought this would be fun to do again as the Q&A's are different.

The Liebster Award has German origins, with the word meaning “dearest” or “most favourite”. The award is aimed at new up-and-coming bloggers with less followers than other bloggers.

Thanks to Sophie for my nomination :)

My Q&A's from Sophie:

Q. Who, what or where, do you get your style inspiration from?

A. From so many things really. Obviously other bloggers and vloggers. Especially when they create lookbooks. Magazines, films, music videos and people watching. I dress for how I want to feel and pay more attention to trends if they are about colours and textures rather than that one must have item.

Q. What do you currently have on repeat on your iPod?

A. I never have any song on repeat as I like to mix it up. I pretty much always play my music on shuffle skipping tracks until I find one to suit me at the time.

Q. What, or who, inspired you to start your blog?

A. After attending IMATS a few years ago and meeting one of the bloggers that I follow I felt like maybe I should give blogging a go. I didn't do it straight away, but I am passionate about beauty, make-up and fashion so I thought what do I really have to lose.

Q. What make-up item can you not live without, and why?

A. Mascara. If I am just popping out for 10mins I simply put on some mascara and lip balm and I'm good to go. Mascara will open up your eyes and make you like more awake.

Q. Describe your style using 2-3 images.

A. Fun, quirky and experimental. I am not this imaginative every day, but when the moods strikes!

Q. Do you have a fashion motto, and if so, what is it?

A. Day or night. Weekday or weekend. Everyday or occasion. Dress for how you feel!

Q. Which one other blogger inspires you daily, and why?

A. Sam from Beauty Crush. She has a sense of style that is all her own with a fab personality too. I always look forward to watching her videos, especially her lookbooks and make-up tutorials. Her vlogs are a great insight into her lifestyle too. They really make you want to spend a day out with her.  

Q. What one thing do most people not know about you?

A. That I was quite a grunge girl in my teens. Ripped jeans, checked shirts tied around the waist, black nails, peroxide hair, chokers, dark red lips, Dr Marten boots, bodycon skirts, Nirvana t-shirt. You get the idea.

Q. What is your dream career?

A. It's kind of an obvious one, but to blog and also vlog full time. I would dedicate so much more time to my blog if I didn't have to do my current full time paid job.

Q. What is your favourite season for fashion/make-up, and why?

A. I love to be warm and snuggly so I would probably say A/W for fashion. Jumper dresses, boots and scarves are what I live in. Make-up I probably enjoy more in the S/S because I love metallics and bold colour.

Q. What, besides blogging, do you like to do in your spare time?

A. Listen to music, read magazines, watch movies, apply make-up, pamper myself, spend time with my fella and my Mum. Ooh and shopping. I rarely do now I have a house, but I get a real buzz from it. 

I would like to nominate these 5 bloggers:

If you are nominated these are the rules to follow:

Answer the questions set by the blogger who nominated you, as well as link to their blog in your post.

You should then nominate as many bloggers as you want for the award (up to about 11) and let them know you’ve picked them.

Then ask these nominated bloggers a new set of questions.

You can also include a set of random facts about yourself that you want your readers to know if you wish.

Here are my Q&A's for you:

1. What are your favourite types of blogs? (fashion, beauty, lifestyle).

2. What do you love and/or hate to see on a blog and why?

3. How often do you blog? Do you expect the blogs you read to post at least a certain amount of times a day or week?

4. How and when did you begin your blog?

5. Is your blog a hobby or a career path?

6. Is your blog a different side of you or does it show completely how you live your life?

7. Has blogging helped you to learn? (style tips, beauty hints, experimental cooking, html coding).

8. What are your favourite type of blog posts to read?

9. Has your blog changed since it began? If yes, how?

10. What are your favourite make-up looks right now?

11. Describe your current fashion style?

12. What social media can you be found on? (link all below).

I hope you enjoyed this little Q&A style post. If you have questions that you would like to ask me at blogging, make-up, beauty or just life in general please leave your questions in the comments below. If enough questions are asked I might do a Q&A post.

Love to you all