Hi there gorgeous people. I have reviews for you today of two teas from Ideal Health at Holland & Barrett.

I tried this tea a couple of weeks ago in the hope that it would aid my digestion. This tea claims to help stimulate the metabolism and digestion of fats. You can take it at any time of day or after a heavy meal. I love trying out different types of tea, especially herbal. Unfortunately I could not even finish half a cup of this. It just tasted fowl. I think it was mainly the liquorice root with perhaps a bit of the ginger that just made it too unbearable for me. Coincidence maybe or not I didn't feel great later that day and into the next. My stomach was not in a good way with cramps, bloating and a general sluggish feeling. I won't buy these again.

First and foremost this tea should not be taken if you are pregnant, under 16 or suffering intestinal problems. One cup should be taken at night for up to 2 weeks in any 2 month period. I guess like other similar teas around at the moment this is a type of detox to clear your system of excess waste etc. This tea did taste nice. Not a distinct flavour for me, but I did drink a whole cup :) Afterwards I did panic a little expecting to be woken in the night with terrible cramps hoping I would make it in time for the loo. I made sure I had nowhere to be the next day when testing this for the first time. Although a bit nervous at the thought of what might occur the next day I was a little disappointed. Let's just say there was no drama and I would have been fine for a day trip out. I am not sure if because you can take it for 2 weeks at a time that perhaps I should have tried the whole 2 weeks, but with work and having to be here and there I didn't want to chance it. If you have tried this product or something similar perhaps you could advise me on this so I know if it is worth trying again.

At the moment Holland & Barrett have an offer of buy 1 get 1 half price mix and match if you are interested in trying these teas or others such as PURITEE & LAKSETEE both of which I have not tried.

I would also say that for any of you ladies taking the contraceptive pill please be careful when taking these products or something similar as if you do have diarrhoea this may effect your pill.

Please leave in the comments below any thoughts or recommendations of teas for those suffering IBS symptoms or wanting to detox their digestive system.

Many thanks,

Vicky xx

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