Hi all and welcome to this post which is all about good gut health. Not the usual type of post from me I admit, but I am very interested in finding ways to improve my digestion and gut health as I have been an IBS sufferer all my life.

I met Chris James who is a well respected and sought after teacher of yoga and meditation as well as nutrition and health enthusiast at THE ANTI-AGEING HEALTH & BEAUTY SHOW back in May. Chris is a fantastically glowing person both in personality and appearance. He just oozes health from his very core so I knew this was someone I wanted to know better as he obviously knows his stuff. Chris informed be about lots of his quality ingredient products as well as the 12 Day Cleanse program. I was given the opportunity to try out 2 of Chris' vegan food supplements from his range which I took continuously for 30 days.

With premium ingredients for the bowel to optimise gut health and support digestive function. Enhancing nutrition absorption as well as immune function. Beauty that begins in the gut.

Gorgeous greens is a unique blend of chlorophyll rich green foods which can help strengthen the immune system, restore PH balance and and help with bowel regularity. Gorgeous Greens also helps defuse free radicals and support skin to fight ageing. Maintaining a balance of acidity versus alkalinity for the mind and body to function optimally.

Both supplements are free from wheat, yeast, starch, gluten, lactose, soy, added colourings, sweeteners and preservatives. Suitable for vegetarians.

I took one of each capsule a day after breakfast and one of each after dinner for 30 days. 

So I am going to be honest and say that I ate very healthily for the about the first two weeks and then not as healthy, but not all bad for the two weeks after. I was on holiday leave, had some celebrations to enjoy and got really busy. I know making time to be healthy or healthier is your own responsibility so no excuses here, but it was quite interesting to see how the supplements worked when eating and drinking healthy and nutritious foods versus the naughty and devilish.

On day 2 coincidence I think as I had no other days like this I was awoken at about 5am with a stirring in my tummy. A quick panicked leap from my bed led to lets just say an emptied bowel. Sorry if this is TMI, but this post is about bowel health, regularity and digestive function. I felt pretty unwell for about a day with a couple more rushed loo trips and an awful feeling in my tummy. I hadn't eaten anything unhealthy or different in the days prior so I can't blame my diet, but I don't feel I can blame these products either as in a day I was back to normal with no other days like this within the 30 days.

I would say that these supplements did help with normal regularity of my bowel function. I would go every day which can sometimes be unusual for me. I can go anything from not going for a week to 7 times a day while eating and drinking in the same way. There are certain foods that will bind me up such as bread, pasta and rice so I know when I have had too much. During my naughty eating phase I was perhaps just a little less frequent in bowel movement with extra bloating and trapped wind, but it was still better than I usually am without the supplements.

I think these supplements are a great addition to a healthy style of living. Most of us won't stick to purity (myself included) 24/7 when it comes to food and drink, but I think knowing your own body is a big part of knowing what you need and what your limits are. I know that I can't scoff pizza, bread and other such foods every day like my friends and family, but sometimes I let the little devil on my shoulder convince me. 

I have previously tried an elimination diet where I cut out all yeast, wheat, sugar and dairy. I gradually introduced certain foods back into my diet to see how my body liked them. I would say I felt healthier from this type of diet, but I still suffered with IBS symptoms daily. I am by no means as pure and saintly as this now, but I do my best to eat healthily at lunch and breakfast and cook meals from scratch most of the time.

I am glad that I got the opportunity to try out these products as better bowel function was definitely achieved!

Let me know your tips and tricks for better bowel health and digestive function in the comments below. Especially if you desire a better lifestyle free from IBS woes.

Love to you all

Vicky xx

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