Hi there lovelies. I love trying out new skincare so when I was sent these products to review from the RITUALS HAMMAM COLLECTION I knew I had to share with you my thoughts on them.

We have all heard of primers for make-up, but how about one for exfoliation? This body cleanser is great especially for those with dry skin. My legs can get quite itchy if they are too dry, but this product instantly makes them smooth and so soft. It has such a fresh Eucalyptus scent that soothes my senses as well as my skin. While having a hot shower I apply the paste to my skin. It's not extra thick in texture, but it looks a bit like a face mask for the body. I simply rinse off and scrub my skin with an exfoliating glove or shower puff. My skin feels smoother using this product rather than my shower puff alone so it's worth this extra step which takes no time at all.

This product is the perfect partner after exfoliation to add even more hydration and lock in moisture. This non-greasy lotion massages into the skin easily leaving a velvety veil to comfort and sooth even further.

These products add inner warmth and a pampered feeling to the skin. There are many other products to discover within the HAMMAM COLLECTION. I already have my eye on the Hammam Massage Body Oil.

Love to you all

Vicky xx

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