Hello peeps. Charcoal face masques have been very popular recently so when offered the opportunity to review one for you gorgeous people I jumped at the chance.

Said to instantly detoxify and brighten all skin conditions this masque contains charcoal, volcanic ash, sea silt, bamboo and sulphur to give skin a healthy, vibrant and balanced glow. The idea is to draw out impurities, refine pores, calm redness, improve skin texture and smoothness while addressing skin ageing, dullness, breakouts and sensitivity.

Application is simple enough. After cleansing I applied this generously to my face and neck while avoiding the eye area. You can leave it on for between 7-10 mins. I left it on for 10. It goes a little stiff, but nothing drastic. My chin and other areas of my face started to feel a bit prickly and uncomfortable, but I persevered and waited until the time was up. Then I lightly massaged with very wet hands to enhance exfoliation. I couldn't quite remove all of the product easily with just my hands as my skin still felt a bit gritty so I did what I usually do and used a face cloth with water to speed up the process. I then rinsed went over my skin with a face wipe to ensure all the product was gone and applied moisturiser.

So am I now a charcoal face masque convert?

I am sad to say with this particular product I am not swayed. I love Dermalogica as a skincare brand, but this product was definitely not for me. It just did not feel comfortable sitting on my skin. It was like little pin pricks probably where I had impurities being drawn out. I didn't have a drastic reaction to the product or anything, but my skin felt like it did not appreciate the masque at all. It was like my skin had been zapped of moisture and although I am sure impurities may have been drawn out I did not see any obvious improvement in my skin.

Because of my experience using this product I can not recommend it unfortunately. I think sensitive and fragile skin types should be especially careful if considering using this masque.

Please leave details of your charcoal face masque experiences below along with recommendations.

Love to you all

Vicky xx

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