Sweetest Blog Award

Hi lovelies. I have been given this sweet award by the gorgeous Miss E Blog

I am very happy and very grateful. In order to accept this award I must tell you these 3 things about me and pass this award on to 15 other Bloggers.

My Favourite Colour: Pink

My Favourite Food: Very Mature Cheddar Cheese

My Favourite Place To Visit: Any Shopping Centre :)

I would like to pass this award on to these 15 Bloggers:

Love to you all

My New Favourite Shower/Bath Products

Hi there my lovelies. I am so pleased I have found some great new shower/bath products as I have almost finished my products from the Limited Edition Gorgeous By Gok

Firstly here are the shower products.

 LEFT: My friend gave me this Champneys Collection Moisture Miracle Skin Comforting Body Wash. This is the closest thing to the product on Boots Pharmacy website I could find as I think it may have been renamed? Link :)

RIGHT: Strawberry And Raspberry Shower Gel. I bought this in Superdrug, but I can't seem to find it on the website, sorry. It was only about £2/£3 though.

The Champneys Body Wash is so creamy and has a very subtle scent to it. It contains milk and coconut, but to be honest I don't notice the coconut when using it. To me this smells very much like a product that you would use on a baby. I guess I would say it comes across to me as a very pure scent.

The Superdrug Shower Gel is a more obvious smell, but I absolutely adore it. It is quite a sweet, fruity, berry aroma, but is not at all over powering. 

Next on to the bath products.

LEFT: Superdrug I Love ... Raspberry & Blackberry Bubble Bath & Shower Creme Link :)

RIGHT: Superdrug I Love ... Strawberries & Milkshake Bubble Bath & Shower Creme Link :)

Out of the two I prefer the scent on the right, but they are both gorgeous smells. Very fruity and girly. They are very cheap too (see links above). I have been using the left one first as I am going to savour the one on the right :)

The other scents in this range are Mango & Papaya and Coconut & Cream. I could have sworn there was also a scent including Blueberry and another with Vanilla when I bought these, but I can not find them on the website? The two scents I bought were the only ones for me though. I can't wait to try the Body Butters, Shower Smoothies, Shower Cremes and Lip Balms also.

What are your favourite Shower/Bath products? Have you tried any of these products? What ones would you recommend?

Love to you all

NOTD: Barry M Peach Melba/Blueberry

Hi my lovelies. Isn't the weather just rubbish? Today's post is a NOTD attempting to get me into a summery mood with a couple of gorgeous pastel shades.


For this look I used Barry M Nail Paints in 318 Peach Melba and 306 Blueberry

I think these colours look great together. I like to do two or even five different nail colours sometimes. What nail combinations do you like? Let me know in the comments below.

Love to you all

Best Blog Award

Hey there my gorgeous, wonderful lovelies. The absolutely beautiful Alexa Heinrich has made me very happy by nominating me for the Best Blog Award. I am very grateful, but I must share these things with you before I can accept it:

7 Facts About Me

1) I am named Victoria after my late Dad Victor

2) I can ski. My Dad taught me

3) I had my belly button pierced when I was 18, but I don't have it pierced now

4) I was a member of the Kylie Minogue fan club as a kid

5) My favourite number is 4

6) I have been to Austria, France, Ireland, Scotland and Greece on holidays/mini breaks

7) My favourite drink is a cappuccino

12 Questions

1) What is your favourite colour?

2) What is your favourite song?

3) What is your favourite dessert?

4) What annoys you?

5) When you’re upset you… 

6) What is your favourite pet?

7) Black or white?

8) What is your biggest fear?

9) What is your best feature? 

10) Everyday attitude?  

11) What is perfection?  

12) What is your guilty pleasure?

The answers will be the same as I gave in the Butterfly Award

Favourite Bloggers

Please don't be offended if I haven't included you in this award as there are so many of your blogs I enjoy this post would be endless.

If you are one of my nominated Bloggers above you must follow these rules in order to accept this award:

The Rules

Mention and link back to the Blogger/s who awarded you

Share 7 facts about you

Answer the 12 questions 

♥ Send this award to your favourite Bloggers

Keep on blogging lovelies. I love seeing what you have to show next :)

Love to you all

My Magazine Subscriptions/Blogger/Vlogger Max Factor Promotion

Hey there lovelies. In this post I wanted to show you which magazines I am subscribed to and why. First up is Company. Retailing at £2 per issue.

I love it for the affordable fashion which shows also what the public are wearing. Great for inspiration! There is a 'back to mine' section where you get to see the interiors of someones home. I'm dead nosey. This is a monthly magazine. In this August issue there are Bloggers/Vloggers featured such as Lina from Make Up to Make Out, Nicola from Nicola VC86 and May from May Loves Makeup. They are trying out various looks in the 'Festival Fever Max Factor' promotion. They all look gorgeous I think you'll agree.

Next up is monthly magazine Cosmopolitan. Retailing at £3.50 per issue. I have been reading  this magazine ever since I can remember. It has great beauty and fashion features/tips, some fantastic pin ups :) and in this August issue it again features the same Bloggers/Vloggers as in Company magazine for the same feature, but the article is shown in a different way. See below photos. 

Rihanna is such a babe

Now I do love Glamour magazine. Retailing at £2 per issue. This is another monthly. I think the fashion, make-up and beauty features in this magazine are all fantastic. I have to praise Glamour especially for the fact that if you subscribe they do not stop you from receiving any free gift that would usually come with the magazine. Company and Cosmopolitan penalise you for having a subscription and do not send you the free gift. I think that's pretty mean since as a subscriber I always renew for at least a year. 

Let me move on to my weekly magazines. First up is Closer. Retailing at £1.40 per issue. Affordable fashion/make-up, puzzles (I'm a geek), TV guide, healthy recipes and shocking stories. What's not to love :)

Last, but by no means least is my other weekly, Look magazine. Retailing at £1.70 per issue. Apart from the fabulous fashion features which have prices to suit all Look always has fantastic make-up/hair ideas. They are so inspiring.

I love reading my magazines, especially at lunch time at work. I always find a topic to discuss with the girls. I think they are also great for giving me ideas for blogging, informing me of special offers, discounts, events and in general inspiring me. I am definitely inspired today, haa haa :)

I always search the Internet for the cheapest subscription when mine needs to be renewed so i won't recommend any particular one to you. Be aware that the company you do subscribe to may have the same subscription on their online site for a cheaper price. This is why I always check online before reordering as some reminder letters sometimes charge you more. I think it is definitely worth subscribing though as it may not seem a lot when you pick up a magazine for say £2 per week, but if you can save money and get it delivered to your door then why not?

So to clarify if you by these magazines every month not on subscription this is what it costs you:

Company x 12 issues = £24 per year

Cosmopolitan x 12 issues = £42 per year

Glamour x 12 issues = £24 per year

Now on to the weeklies:

Closer x 51 issues (as at Christmas time there is usually a double issue) = £71.40 per year

Look x 51 issues (again at Christmas another double issue) = £86.70 

Sometimes there are offers for 3, 6, 12 or 24 months. Obviously the longer you subscribe you save more in the long run. There are direct debit and one off payment schemes. Keep your eyes peeled if you think you might benefit from subscribing and do your research. I sometimes ask for subscriptions at Christmas time. It's an easy present for someone to buy me and it's the present that keeps on giving. I love getting things in the post, even if it is just a magazine. I still buy them as gifts for family myself at Christmas. Sometimes if you buy two it's cheaper as well, which is always helpful if there's one I like :)

Which magazines do you read? Are you subscribed to them? Why do you like them?

Love to you all

3 Lipsticks for 99p

Hi my lovelies. I hope you have been enjoying fabulous weekends? I am so upset that I missed the @TOWIB1 event yesterday organised by the lovely @LBQblog. Did you attend? Was it everything that you hoped for? I am keeping my fingers crossed that another event will be organised as I have  been just too ill this weekend to go :(

Now on to my reason for this post. I was in the 99p stores the other day and found these little beauties. 


3 lipsticks for 99p. That's 33p per lipstick. Bargain alert!


Swatches are as they appear in the appear in the photo above (LEFT: Berry Shade, CENTRE: Coral Shade & RIGHT: Baby Pink Shade). They all have the number 2763 on the bottom of them.

Now these are not my most favourite lipsticks by any means, but for the price I think they are worthy of a try. The stand out one for me is the coral shade in the centre.

Have you found any little bargains like this recently? Let me know in the comments below.

Love to you all

Contact Lenses/Glasses

Hey there my lovelies. I have had a migraine since yesterday so I'm sorry if I go into a little ramble today. I have always suffered with headaches/migraines which is one of the reasons that I started to wear my glasses a lot more. My optician said I have quite dry eyes so I began wearing them all day at work and whenever else I felt the need, plus I began using eye drops 3 times a day.

So here are the gorgeous glasses that I treated myself to when I started to wear them a lot more.


I bought these lovelies from Vision Express. I believe they were around £300, but I just loved the frames and figured that if I'm wearing them pretty much every day then why not :)


I bought this Primark case a couple of months ago which is great to pop my glasses in as sometimes the Prada case that the glasses came with pops open. This case also came in white and red. I know it's original purpose was meant for sunglasses, but it works for me.


This picture really doesn't show what a hot pink colour the lining of this case is inside. I love it. 

Now on to the contact lenses. I have been trying these out recently as there are times when I have spent some time on my eye make-up, but it becomes hidden behind my glasses.

Firstly I tried the 1-Day ACUVUE Moist lenses. They were quite comfortable, but I felt like my eyes were a little dry by the afternoon while I was at work.

Secondly I tried the 1 day Clariti. These seemed to be not as drying. I was told they are made of a better material. They were the same price as the 1-Day ACUVUE Moist. £42 for 30 pairs. 

When I went to my first contact lense appointment at Vision Express I tried a few lenses to see how they felt without being told what they were. I ended up with the 1-Day ACUVUE Moist lenses. After 5 days of trying them I went back and was told that everything looked okay so I bought 30 pairs rather than committing to a direct debit scheme straight away. The trial is completely free. The optician said that as my eyes are quite dry I could try some other lenses another time if I found these uncomfortable. The 1 day Clariti had not been offered to me on this day?

I liked the lenses, but when I had almost finished them I asked if I could try the other lenses that the optician had mentioned to me as I thought they might be more comfortable and less drying. I was told to come in again to try them out. 

These were the 1 day Clariti. They appeared to be comfortable so I took them away for another 5 days. This trial again was free. I returned and was told that I had a few scratches on my eyes, but that they would heal easily after a couple of days of not wearing lenses or by using contact lense drops as my eyes are quite dry. I ordered a months supply of the contact lenses, but was told they didn't have any in so I would have to come back to pick them up. I asked if they could be posted to me as I don't live in that area, but they said no. I was told it would only take a few days for them to arrive. I had a few pairs of the other lenses left so I thought this would be fine.

The lenses did not come within a few days. They had no idea why they hadn't been delivered. After many times of me phoning they said I could pick up 5 pairs of their trial packs which are exactly the same to tie me over till mine arrived. I picked them up and explained that I did not live in the area and asked if they could post my order on to me when it arrived as I don't have a car so it would just be easier for me. I also asked if a refund was possible so that I could buy them elsewhere if I needed to. They were obviously reluctant to do this. They told me to call back if I hadn't heard from them in another few days. I did this and they sent me 25 trial lenses for 1 eye and a full pack of 30 for the other. I was still 5 short on 1 eye. 

I phoned them again and they said they would send me 10 extra pairs for the inconvenience along with my missing 5 when they arrived. They did do this, but I was still disappointed with the service. I will not be joining their direct debit scheme that's for sure.

Despite all this hassle I was happy with the lenses and the fact that the trials were free. That is until I started to get a blurring in my left eye on some days when I put the lense in so I had to take it out. My right eye was fine. I have been wearing my glasses again for the last week or so as I don't want to waste any more lenses as they are daily disposables. I am so annoyed as I thought my lenses saga was over :( I have made an appointment for Friday 22nd July to see what's going on. 

I couldn't resist doing some glasses shots for you as I do love my glasses really.

Do you have any favourite contact lenses? Where do you buy yours from? Have you experienced a similar problem to me with the eye blurriness? 

Love to you all

NOTD: Primark Teal Or No Teal

Hey there my lovelies. I hope you are all well? I feel blooming knackered today, but I did find the time this evening to paint my nails so I wanted to show to you this gorgeous colour.


I love this shade. It's Glo Baby Glo! UV Reactive Nail Polish in Teal Or No Teal.

I am totally in love with this green at the moment. I think it's fun without being too garish. Primark nail polishes are great value for money. I can't remember how much they are exactly I'm afraid, but I think they are around £2? What are your favourite greens? Do you rate Primark nail polishes? Have you tried the Glo Baby Glo! range under UV lights? If so do they glow?

Love to you all

Butterfly Award

Hi there my sweet lovelies. I am really pleased to say that I was given this award by the lovely KittyVixen85

For me to accept this award I need to tell you the following information about me:

7 Things You Never Knew

1) I am an only child, but I have never felt lonely

2) I am approximately 5ft 2/3 inches tall

3) I can't stand mushrooms, pork scratchings, marmite, prawns or cider

4) I had a hamster called Garry and cats called Gizmo, Ben & Robert when I was a teen

5) I wanted to marry George Michael when I was younger

6) English and Art were my favourite subjects at school

7) I have seen New kids On The Block, Robbie Williams & Blue at various gigs 
through the years

12 Questions 

1) Name your favourite color Pink 

2) Name your favourite song Dear Life (Anthony Hamilton) from the original Step Up movie 

3) Name your favourite dessert Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie 

4) What is pissing you off? Hearing that Bloggers/Youtubers I admire are getting unneccessary/rude comments (I'm sure mine will come) 

5) When you’re upset, you? Go really quiet 

6) Your favourite pet I don't have a pet right now, but my boyfriend's dog is cute. She is called Cracker as they got her at Christmas 

7) Black or White? Black 

8) Your biggest fear? Death. I hate not knowing what happens next 

9) My best feature is My eyes. They are very blue which I inherited from both of my parents 

10) Everyday attitude I try to think of the positive things that are happening, but I'm human and can have mood swings

11) What is perfection I don't think it exists. I just try to appreciate what I have and strive for more 

12) Guilty pleasure Shopping for anything and everything 

I would like to pass this award on to these lovely Bloggers:

If you wish to take part in this tag you must follow these rules:

The Rules:

1) Link back to the person who awarded this award to you KittyVixen85

2) Share 7 Random things about yourself

3) Answer the 12 questions
4) Award to 15 blogs

Love to you all

NOTD: Barry M Bright Red

Hellooo my lovelies. I painted my nails yesterday with a colour that I really love, but I haven't used in a while. I think it's a really classic bombshell shade that suits everyone, but looks especially great on pale skin. It is Barry M Nail Paint in Bright Red 262.


I don't think this kind of shade will ever be out of fashion. 

Let me know your favourite nail polishes at the moment. Are you a fan of Barry M? Have you got any fab reds you want to share? Let me know in the comments below.

Love to you all

Top 10 Award: Lip Products

Hi there my lovelies. I was awarded the Top 10 Award by the gorgeous Beauty By Krystal

This my first ever tag post. I'm such a newbie to all this so let me know if there is something I have missed :) I have a real passion for all make-up, but I really tend to pick up lipsticks and lip glosses more than anything else so I thought I would share with you my 10 most reached for lip products.


17 Lasting Fix Lipstick (Hot Chilli)

Make Up For Ever (Rouge Artist Intense - 37)

Rimmel Lasting Finish Lipstick (Red Hot - 168)

NYX Lip Smacking Fun Colours (Fire - 599)

MAC (Show Orchid)

LEFT - RIGHT as above

As you can see I love a bold lipstick, but I will try anything to see if it suits me.


Miss Sporty XX Volume (Colour unknown) A rose colour

Accessorize Diamond Sparkle Lipgloss (Temptation - 2) This smells like toffee

Colour Lip Gloss from New Look (Colour unknown. Came with a nail polish) This smells like toffee also, but fainter

Miss Sporty XX Volume (Colour Unknown) A baby pink colour

Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Lip Tar (Trollop)

Apologies for all the unknown lip gloss colours, but they are my most reached for so I had to put them in :)

LEFT - RIGHT as above

I love the toffee smell of temptation. Hard not to lick it off, but I really try not too as it has such great shimmer. Lip Tars are fantastic also. You should try them if you haven't already. I also love the Lip Tar Anime which is a very bold pink, but I would say I wear Trollop more.

So now I would like to pass this award on to these lovelies:

If you are one of my 10 nominated bloggers and you wish to take part in this tag please follow these rules:

♥ Link back to the person who tagged you to this post - Beauty By Krystal
 ♥ List your 10 favourite products (they can be anything)
 ♥ Nominate 10 other Bloggers

If you do not wish to take part in this tag I will not be offended. If you have not been nominated by me you can still let me know your top 10 in the comments below. They do not have to be lip products like I chose. They can be absolutely anything. Even if it's not make-up related.

Love to you all