NOTD: China Glaze Yellow Polka Dot Bikini Nail Lacquer

Hey there beauts! How are we all? On Saturday morning I felt like I just wanted to encourage the sun to come out and wake myself up a bit so I painted my nails with this extreme nail lacquer.

I applied one coat of my Rimmel base coat. I then applied four coats of this China Glaze Yellow Polka Dot Bikini Nail Lacquer. This is a very thin formula and very streaky. I think this may work better if a white coat as a base colour were applied first to lessen the need for so many coats of this yellow shade. I will try that next time I apply it. There are still some streaks in the polish on my nails, but I do love this neon highlighter shade. The finish is matte. I completed this manicure by spraying the nails with my Elegant Touch Nail Drying Spray. 

There are various places you can pick up this nail lacquer such as Amazon and Ebay as well as other sites. I would suggest copying and pasting the name into your search engine to find the latest deals. Most are between £3-£5.

Do you find applying a white base under nail colours lessens the need for more coats and makes the colour pop a little more? Leave your tips for streak free nails also in the comments below.

Love to you all


Skin Care Tag

Hey everyone and happy, happy Saturday. I think my neon nails that I have just painted may have woken me up this morning :)

I have a tag post for you today about skincare. I haven't done a tag post in ages and I do like doing them as they get me thinking. Plus I'm dead nosey so I like to read what other blogger's say in them. I was tagged by Laura from Stuff Laura Found. Laura is very new to blogging so if you could check out her blog that would be great.

So here is my skincare tag post ........

1 ~ Describe your skin care routine in five words.

Changeable, Cleanse, Scrub, Moisturise & Tone.
As a blogger I am always trying new products, but the routine is pretty much the same. I say tone last as I couldn't live without my Crystal Clear Lift Away The Years wand now. See my initial impressions of the skincare tool and products here and the follow up review here.

2 ~ What's your skin type?
Dry, dry, dry. I have a lot of hyper pigmentation on my face too.

3 ~ What's your favourite skin care product?
The Crystal Clear Lift Away The Years wand mentioned in question 1.

4 ~ Top blemish zapper.
I usually only get them when I am hormonal. I just try to keep the area as cleansed as possible and avoid wearing make-up when I don't need it. I never wear make-up when I am at home. Sometimes I will use a hot flannel to try and pop it naturally. I try to avoid popping spots though as this can lead to scarring. I have used toothpaste on the area at night to try and dry them out too.

5 ~ Face wipes, yay or nay?

I do use them, but I use the exfoliating type to remove make-up and dirt before cleansing etc. I like these ones from Nivea and these from Biore.
6 ~ High-end skin care or high-end makeup?
Whatever your make-up sits on is your base. Make-up can do so much, but skincare can make you glow, prevent or reduce oiliness, dryness, wrinkles etc. I wouldn't say that either make-up or skincare needs to be high end it's just whatever works for you. I am a bargain junkie, but I have used products that are more than what I usually pay that work. This is why I am always honest and when blogging let you know if I think products are worth the price.

7 ~ What's the most unusual skin care product you've tried?
Probably a self heating face masque as I hadn't realised that it was self heating. Here is a link to this product.

8 ~ You're in a French pharmacy and can only pick up one item. What is it?
I would say the Bioderma Crealine H20 Micellar Solution as it's a very hyped product in the blogging community. Perhaps over hyped I don't know, but I would no doubt pick some up if I were in France.
9 ~ Tell us your top skin care tip...
Do not wear make-up if you are not going anywhere. Your skin needs to breath and why waste products or your time if you are just going to be snuggled on the sofa watching a movie?
I tag all bloggers that want to do this tag post. If you are not a blogger, but still want to let others know your skincare tips please leave them in the comments below.
Love to you all

NOTD: Barry M Nail Paint Pale Purple (308)

Hi there lovely people and welcome back. I hope you are having a great week so far. On Saturday evening I painted my nails with a pretty nail shade that I'd like to show you.

I applied one coat of my Rimmel base coat followed by two coats of this Barry M Nail Paint in the shade Pale Purple (308). I applied this late at night by a lamp so I would say this is hard to make a mistake with. For those of you that like your pastel shades this ones for you. A very pretty pastel lilac for the summer time. This will be the perfect accent to those floral summer dresses. I think it will also work well with other pastel shades if you want to mix and match colours. This manicure was finished off with my Elegant Touch Rapid Dry Nail Spray.

You can pick up this 10ml Barry M nail shade for £2.99 from Barry M although shade 308 now appears to be called Berry Ice Cream. You should also be able to find this product in most Boots and Superdrug stores.

Do you have this nail paint? Is Berry Ice Cream the same colour as Pale Purple? Please let myself and others know in the comments below.

Are you a fan of lilac shades? If so, which ones are your favourites? Which Barry M Nail Paints do you most like and why? Let me know in the comments below.

Love to you all


Shopcade & Asos Blogger Competition!

Hey there beautiful people. How are you today? I am so sad that the weekend is almost over, but I guess we all are. Today I have a post for you about the website Shopcade. So what exactly is Shopcade?

Shopcade is a personal shopping app. You can search for items within the website and purchase them there and then or add them to your personalised wish lists for later. I think these lists would be really handy when gift shopping, especially around Xmas time as I would make one for each person that I buy for and add present ideas to their list. I can't count the number of times I have found an item on a website and forgotten where I found it and never bought it when I had the money becuase of this.

You can also install a Shopcade Add button to your bookmarks bar easily so that when you shop on a website you just click the button and it adds it to your Shopcade lists. You can make these lists as detailed as you would like. It's really up to you.

When items you have chosen are reduced in price Shopcade will send you an alert. Shopcade also give rewards of gift cards and free products. Now that sounds good to me.

Shopcade is free to sign up. You can do this online via Facebook, Twitter or email. You can sign in with Facebook on the mobile phone app.

So here is what the Shopcade trending page looks like. There are tags on the top left for easy searching. When you hover over the photos displayed there are WANT, TAG & SHOP NOW options. WANT means you can add the item to your want lists/wish lists. TAG to alert someone about the product/deal via Facebook, Twitter or email. SHOP NOW takes you to the website to purchase the item. There is also information displayed about what the product is, where it's from and the price.

This is the Your Feed page that shows the latest products, deals and rewards based on the brands, categories, people and friends you follow. This way it is tailored to you.

This is the page called Your Shopcade. It shows all of your lists with items added. As you can see I have already started adding my wants :) You can add a little bio about yourself and edit the theme when you collect points which is why I now have a spotty background. I have collected quite a few points already just from visiting the site, searching for items and adding them to my want lists.

You can discover brands to follow by using the A-Z listings and simply clicking follow. You can also type the brand name into the search bar to find them. There are categories to search by like fashion, travel, media etc. 

There is a Trendsetters page where can follow bloggers, influencers and style leaders. You can get in touch with Shopcade if you are a blogger so go for it of you are.

This is the rewards page so you can get an idea of the great rewards on offer.

This is the deals page with categories for easier searching options. The search bar is at the top of the screen if you prefer.

You can add products by copying and pasting the product link from a website you are shopping on using the Add button on the Shopcade website or from your bookmarks bar once you have installed the button. You can add lists to Your Shopcade page at any time using the Add button on the Shopcade website too.

Notifications will pop up in your Activity from time to time. This is in the envelope at the top of the screen. 

You can see your name and points displayed next to the envelope when you log in. There is a drop down menu where you can find friends, view your points and your settings. 

There is an option to install a widget to your website or blog too. I have already done this. It's very simple. You just choose how you want products to be displayed on your site and copy and paste the code. When someone clicks on something through your site you earn commission. You are alerted via email when you earn. The funds go into your Shopcade account and then you transfer the money into your PayPal account simple. As a blogger it can be hard sometimes when I desperately want to review products, but sometimes I just don't have enough money to buy them. Even if I only end up earning a few pounds a month from this widget I can't moan. 

In the more tab Shopcade tell you more about themselves and they have a blog as well as lots of other info. 

I have always been a shopaholic, but I am always very good at finding deals and saving too so if I can have fun and find the best prices with a little help from Shopcade then I say yes. Here is a link to the Shopcade website where you can sign up today for free!

Now for the exciting part. etail PR have teamed up with Shopcade and Asos to bring you this blogger competition! If you are a blogger you could win a £200 Asos voucher PLUS a £200 voucher for a retailer of your choice on Shopcade.

For more details about this competition and how to enter check out this link. Make sure you enter by 2pm on Friday 28th June! Good luck to all who enter :)

So I hope you have found this post helpful. I always love to shop and this shopping tool has me a bit addicted already. Have you been using Shopcade? If yes, what do you like or dislike about it? If no, will you be signing up? Let me know in the comments below along with links to your competition entries.

Love to you all

Primark Haul: London

Hey there my loves. I hope you are all enjoying your weekend. I bought some things in Primark a few weeks ago when I was in London and I haven't yet shown them to you so I thought I would :)

Disco Leggings in Left: Cobalt & Right: Grey ~ £7.00 Each

Now I do love me a disco legging/pant and I probably shouldn't buy anymore, but I can honestly say I love these and I know I will get my wear out of them. I already purchased the black pair here which I wore on a night out a few weeks ago. I really like how they feel on and actually don't mind my legs in them. They don't super suck me in like I imagine the American Apparel ones do, but for £7.00 I really can't fault them. I would like to pick up more of the black if I visit Primark again before they sell out.

Left: Black & Cobalt Baroque Leggings ~ £6.00

Now these I adore. I absolutely love the baroque style of them and the cobalt colour makes them such a statement. These would take a simple top and footwear to a higher place. I find that baroque styles are usually shown in a metallic form on dresses or trousers which is why I think I have never taken to this trend, but these leggings have converted me. I would love it if Primark brought out more colours of these. I can see red, yellow, pink, green and white. I would buy them all.

Right: Black Jewelled Leggings ~ £7.00

I actually bought these in my last Primark haul, but I had to take them back to exchange them as the top of the rubbish Primark bags that garments are put in have a serrated edge which obviously slit across one of the thighs as the assistant put it in. I know these were just £7.00, but I hadn't even worn them so I went back to change them over and here they are. I think they are really fun and will look good with black ankle boots.

Left: Primark Beauty Exfoliating Facial Cleansing Wipes With Cucumber Extract ~ £1.00 for 25 Wipes

I thought these would be worth giving a try as they are so cheap. They smell really fresh as you would expect from the cucumber. I do like to use exfoliating cleansing wipes at the start of my skincare regime to remove make-up and dirt from my face and neck.

Right: Primark Beauty Felt Eye Liner Pen Black ~ £1.50

I used this once the other day and I do love the pigment of it. It starts off as a lighter black, but the more you go over the line the black becomes deeper in shade. This is a very pointed pen liner that bends just a little at the tip. You can either use the tip for a very fine line or draw using more of the tips side for a thicker line. It did not glide onto my eyes when drawing a flick as easily as it did when I swatched it on my hand, but I want to try it again. Great value for the price though.

Opia Gem Cross Hand Jewellery ~ £1.00 (Reduced From £1.50)

I have always fancied picking up one of these hand/wrist jewels. I have no idea what they are called so please excuse me. I like this one as it looks like I will still be able to move and bend my hand comfortably without this annoying me which when I have looked at other ones before they look more rigid. For £1.00 if I don't like it much I won't cry.

So that's it lovelies. I hope you enjoyed this haul. Have you picked up any fantastic buys from Primark or anywhere else you think I might like? Let me know in the comments below.

Love to you all


NOTD: MeMeMe Cosmetics Long Lasting Nail Gloss Wild (82)

Hey lovelies. How are you all on this windy Saturday? My ears and head are killing me right now, but I need to do something or I will go crazy so blogging it is :)

Today I want to show you the gorgeous nail shade that came in this month's GlossyBox.

I painted one coat of my Rimmel base coat followed by two coats of this MeMeMe Cosmetics Long Lasting Nail Gloss in the shade Wild (82). It's a really beautiful deep purple that looks brighter in some lighting and almost like a black purple at other times. It is a glossy polish, but I did add an unnamed top coat here. The brush with this polish is quite wide and I don't know if I was just having a clumsy day, but I found it to be just a bit too big for easy application. This lasted about four or five days before chipping so pretty good.

This 12ml nail polish is available for £5.00 here or you could try and find it in your local Superdrug.

What are your favourite MeMeMe Cosmetics products? Do you have any favourite purple nail shades from any brand? Let me know in the comments below.

Love to you all

T-Shirt Day 2013

Hi there and Happy Friday. Thank goodness it's the weekend. I feel totally zapped and having been feeling a bit rough all week. How has your week been?

Today I wanted to let those of you that don't already know it's T-Shirt Day 2013! This is the 6th international T-Shirt Day. Follow #tshirtday to find out about activities and campaigns going on all over the world. 

I discovered T-Shirt Day via an email from Maria at

I ordered a t-shirt from them at Xmas time for my fella. They allow you to create your own style of t-shirt as well as many other products such as hoodies, shorts, joggers, hats, bags, phone cases etc. 

You basically choose the garment then choose from the pre-designed logos on offer and/or add text. You can alter the size of the lettering and style as well as the logo. You can also upload your own photos to add to your design. The garment colour and design added can be changed in colour too. Once you are happy with your design you can then choose the size and that's job done.

The range covers items for women, men, children, babies and even maternity wear.

The t-shirt I ordered came in good time and is great quality cotton. Not at all thin or cheaply made. The lettering is printed well too and looks just how I wanted.

You can also use this website to create your own designs and sell them so why not get creating!

Here is the t-shirt I ordered. Any of you that watch The Big Bang Theory will understand the design. I have seen a similar design to this before with knock knock in brackets after each penny, but I prefer it this way.

Here is an old Primark t-shirt of mine that I still love.

If I wanted to create something similar I could using the spreadshirt design tools. It's so easy to use and fun to play around with colours and styles. 

I would definitely go back to spreadshirt to create other designs. I think these are great for gifts. Also if there is a t-shirt you are after or other item of clothing or accessory that you can recreate for possibly an even cheaper price on this website then why not. 

The Primark Dork, Jerk & Loser t-shirts that I picked up in this haul would be easy to create, but these were only £4.00 each. If however you wanted a logo that no-one else has as so many people have these Primark t-shirts now then this design tool could help you stand out from the crowd.

Have you tried designing your own t-shirts or other items? If yes, which designs did you create? Are you taking part in T-Shirt Day? If yes, let me know how in the comments below?

Love to you all

Savers Haul: Make Up Fixing Spray & Eye Liners

Hello Gorgeous Readers. How was your day? Today I have another mini haul for you from Savers. There are just two products, but I thought I would share them with you anyway as I am hoping they are real bargains.

Left: Attitude 12 Hour Make Up Fixing Spray, £1.99 for 100ml

Paraben and allergen free. Recommended for normal to combination skin types. This does contain alcohol. This product recommends to use mascara after spraying. I guess this means it will streak, but I will test that for you. I have been using my E.L.F. Studio Mist & Set for ages now, but I thought I would try this as it's even cheaper and I don't need to pay postage. I do have dry skin, but I am hoping this will still work well. I sprayed a little on my hand and you can definitely smell the alcohol in it.

Pretty Eyes 4 Instant Eye Liners, £1.00

I have used temporary tattoo eye liners previously from StarGazer in this post. I loved the designs they have, but I wanted a smaller, simpler design to try out and for £1.00 these seemed perfect. These are stickers though as opposed to the wet on tattoo designs linked in the StarGazer post above. 

There are no links to these products on the Savers website I'm afraid.

What is your favourite make-up fixing spray? How do you get on with these type of eye liners? Have you picked up any Savers bargains? Let me know in the comments below.

Love to you all


Superdrug Haul: Shower Gel & Lipsticks

Hi there and Happy Monday! I know it's Monday, but hopefully you are cosy at home or out having fun by now. Today I have another haul for you, but this time it's from Superdrug. It is a small haul, but a gorgeous one with swatches included.

Superdrug Fruit Source Orange & Satsuma Shower Gel, 99p Each or currently 2 for £1.70 at 250ml

OMG! This stuff smells amazing. I bought two of these to take part in the 2 for £1.70 offer and I am so glad that I did. This smells so juicy like an orange lolly. I look forward to getting in the shower now even more than I did before. I will be picking up more of this for sure. This comes in many scents so you should check out the range to see if there are some you would like.

MUA Lipsticks in the shades 15 Juicy & 16 Nectar, £1.00 Each ~ 15 Juicy & 16 Nectar

Left: 15 Juicy & Right: 16 Nectar

These are both coral toned shades that are a bit brighter than they look in this photo. 15 Juicy is more of a salmon pink coral shade whereas 16 Nectar is a much more orange toned coral.

They are both very creamy and come with lip tints that you can unscrew from the end of the tubes, but I find it hard to get the product out without digging my nail in. These feel a little more cheaply made than the previous lipstick shades I have bought from this range so I am not sure if the packaging design has changed. For £1.00 each though I can live with that as they are gorgeous lipsticks.

What are your favourite scents from the shower gel range shown above? How about your favourite MUA lipsticks? Let me know in the comments below.

Love to you all


Poundland Make-Up Haul

Hello you sweet peas. Happy Sunday and Happy Father's Day to Dad's out there. Sadly my Dad has passed so I can't spend today with him, but I hope you are having a wonderful day with your pops. I visited Poundland on Friday. One of my favourite shopping trips I have to say and here are the make-up beauties I picked up.

Chit Chat Foundation Oatmeal, 30ml for £1.00

I hope you can see here that it blends out nicely. This is a yellow toned foundation. I did see another shade that was pink toned from this range. I am not sure if they are the only two shades. There appears to be no scent with this. I was in desperate need of picking up a new foundation, but as I was short on time this seemed like a good option to try. This seems very lightweight as it is described.

Famous By Sue Moxley Lipgloss Edit, 6ml for £1.00

I could not find this on the website for a link sorry. This smells sweet like those twist up lipstick type of sweets you used to get. This is a beautiful iced baby pink lipgloss with I believe pink and lilac glitter reflects within the gloss.

Milani Glimmer Stripes All-Over Colour 05 Honey Glimmer, 12.8g for £1.00

These are the shades swatched as they are in the pan in the first photo. The two lightest shades don't show up too well when swatched.

I am not sure if you can see it well enough here, but this is a swatch of all the shades in the palette merged together. The effect is a very subtle, soft golden bronze shimmer. This palette is meant for the face, cheeks & eyes. I think this would also be beautiful on areas of the body such as the collar bone, arms and down the front of the legs to highlight a tan. This does not appear to be on the website either, but there were a few palette shades in this range.

What bargains have you found lately in Poundland or other pound shops? Let me know in the comments below.

Love to you all

Primark At ASOS

Hello my loves. It's Saturday which is soooo good as it's the weekend which makes me :) Are You having a great weekend so far? I saw my Mum yesterday who wasn't feeling too well bless her, but she is more perky today which is good. I went to the crematorium without Mum as she was too sick. My Dad passed away in 2006 so I can't see him for Father's Day, but I like to lay some flowers and take a card to where his ashes are at around this time. Today I had to pop to the post office and now I am in for the weekend. I am such a party go-er I know ;)

I wanted to let those of you who love Primark know that some of their items are now being sold on ASOS. I have always been a massive Primark fan as you have probably guessed from previous hauls, but I don't have a car so I have to make an effort to go to a Primark store. I have never understood why the Primark website was so limited. There is very little product information about current stock which I think they could really take advantage of. Why they have never sold online before is beyond me. Here is their website, link.

To view Primark on the ASOS website click here. These are the two items that have caught my eye on there so far.

Primark Skinny Joggers in Grey & Black, £7.00 per pair

I would have to buy both shades of course!

Primark Ultra Soft Skinny Jean Retro Blue, £11.00

Are you excited about the thought of Primark selling online or do you prefer the in store experience? Have you made any Primark purchases through ASOS yet? Let me know in the comments below.

Love to you all

2 Mascara Reviews

Hello you gorgeous lot. How ya doing then? Good I hope. Today I have two mascara reviews for you and here they are.

Left: No7 Exceptional Definition Nutrient Enriched Mascara Black, £11.00

I received this as part of an offer with a purchase from No7. I have never tried their mascaras before so I was interested to see how this one worked. This has a plastic brush like a lot of new mascaras with the spokes like weapons spurting out at the end. One side of the brush is meant to add volume while the other side defines. The end is meant for those hard to reach lashes. I would say this is a really good everyday mascara. It definitely separates the lashes well and adds a good amount of volume for day, but I would want more for a night time look. It is buildable, but I prefer a denser looking lash at the roots. It is prefect though for those on a mission to find a great defining mascara. It comes in two shades of Black or Brown/Black shown in the link above.

You can view how it looks in this FOTD post, link. This is two coats with a little extra on the tips and outer corners.

Right: Primark Coloured Mascara Navy 8ml

I can not remember how much this cost, but it was around £2.00 I believe as I bought it a while a go and I am not sure if they still sell it. To put it bluntly I wouldn't bother picking this up if you do see it. I thought the navy shade would be great at making the white of my eyes pop out, but you can barely notice it. It feels as if I am applying virtually nothing. The mascara does not appear to cover the end of my lashes. The brush is very thin and seemed to collect mascara to it without transferring much to my lashes. This dried up pretty quickly. It did not hold my lashes upwards as I find most mascaras do at least a little. This meant my lashes pointed outwards so no added definition. 

What are your favourite mascaras for volume, pigmentation and/or definition? Have you found any great coloured mascaras? Let me know in the comments below.

Love to you all


NOTD: Mavala Nail Colour (06) Osaka

Hey the Beauts. How are ya doin? Good I hope. I painted my nails over the weekend with the nail shade I picked up from my Udozi shopping trip, Link. So here is how it looks.

I applied one coat of my usual Rimmel base coat followed by three coats of this Mavala Nail Colour (06) Osaka. I have never used a Mavala polish before so I was dying to try this. It is a little more pearlescent on the nails than it looks in this photo when the light catches it. It's a really pretty light milky pink shade. I will have to be more careful when applying this next time as after taking this photo I managed to smudge my nails. I think I applied this a little too thickly to try and achieve an opaque finish and didn't leave the nails enough time to dry even after applying my Elegant Touch Nail Drying Spray.

If you prefer lighter nail shades I would certainly recommend this. Especially if you want polished looking nails, but don't have time for that French or American manicure.  

I found this online at £3.66 for 5ml 

Are you a fan of Mavala Nail Colours? What are your favourite shades? Let me know in the comments below.

Love to you all


July 2013 Glamour Magazine

Hi Everyone. This is just a wee post to let you know that Glamour Magazine are giving away free Model Co Cosmetics products with the July 2013 issue which is out now. Here are the products which are on offer:

Fibre LashXTend Mascara, Link 

Check out where I tried Model Co Fibre Lash Brush On False Lashes here

Shine Ultra Lip Gloss (shades of strip tease & berry pink), Link

Color Box Pencil Eyeliner, Link

The only eyeliner I could find on the website that looks the same as the previous magazine showing this offer is in the link above. I believe it is just that the pencil is now white as opposed to the black.

Lip Enhancer Illusion Lip Liner, Link

I received the Shine Ultra Lip Gloss in the shade Strip Tease. It's a very nude peach colour with a little silver shimmer. It does look very glossy and I think will work well over many lip colours. I have a subscription to Glamour Magazine so I did not choose this freebie. If I had picked one I probably would have gone for the Fibre LashXTend Mascara. I think the mirror on the lip gloss is cute though. The gloss has a doe foot applicator and smells a little sweet.

Have you or will you be picking up this issue of Glamour Magazine? Which of the Model Co Cosmetics freebies appeals to you the most and why? Let me know in the comments below.

Love to you all

June 2013 GlossyBox: Summer Looks

Helllllooooo and Happy Sunday. Are you having a relaxing one or out and about? I went out for a lovely meal and drinks last night. I started with spinach and feta filo pastry parcels followed by a posh spag bol, yum :)

Today I have my GlossyBox products to show you that came in my Summer Looks box this month. So here are the products ........

Top Left: Monu Professional Skincare Hydrating Moisturiser SPF 15, £29.95 for 50ml

  • prevent sun damage and premature ageing
  • blurs imperfections and corrects skin tone
  • paraben free formulation
After cleansing and toning apply to face and neck using gentle upward movements, either use as your moisturiser or apply over the top of your existing moisturiser. Can be applied throughout the day to maintain optimum protection.

This feels like a cold cream that is quite refreshing. It has a very soft scent which is pleasant.

Top Centre: Figs & Rouge Coco Rose Lip Balm, £4.95 for 12.5ml

Shimmering Blush Pink Tint for a touch of Glamour. Replenishing & Long Lasting with delicious moisture protection.

  • 100% Natural Ingredients
  • Petroleum Free
  • Paraben Free
  • Mineral Oil Free

This is a really pretty soft pink lip shade with silver glitter shimmers. I think this will be really nice for the spring/summer season. I don't usually like most rose scents, but because it is coco rose it's actually quite nice. I think this would be really great if used on the eyes too. 

Top Right: MeMeMe Cosmetics Long Lasting Nail Gloss Wild (82), £5.00 for 12ml

Features maxi-brush technology to guarantee a seamless and professional one-stroke application and a glossy finish.

Apply over a base coat and finish with a high shine top coat.

I have added the website in the link above and although I can not find this actual shade on there I have seen this range sold in Superdrug if you want to look for it there. I think this colour is gorgeous. A lovely deep purple shade. 

Bottom: Helen E Cosmetics Eye Pencil With Smudger Black, £8.00 for 1.2g

  • 15 luxurious colours to choose from
  • Long wearing and waterproof
  • Non-dragging formula with professional smudger
Use as a regular kohl liner or blend with the smudger.

This is actually a really nice looking deep black kohl liner that glides on smoothly when swatching. I am looking forward to trying this.

Organic Surge Colour Protect Conditioner For Colour-Treated Hair, £5.99 for 200ml

  • Natural and organic conditioner
  • Untouched by harsh chemicals
  • 100% silicone free detangling and conditioning
  • Lychee extract works to prolong colour radiance and improve manageability
  • Prevents colour fade, protects from heat styling and environmental damage
  • Intense natural moisturisers help revive, smooth and gloss the hair
  • Animal-friendly, suitable for vegetarians and vegans
Use after Colour Protect Shampoo. Massage Colour Protect Conditioner through the lengths of your hair then rinse well. Avoid contact with eyes.

This has a nice fruity scent to it.

I am really happy with this box. I feel like I will make good use of this one. 

For more information on GlossyBox UK click here and for the US GlossyBox click here.

Which products did you receive in your GlossyBox this month and are you pleased so far? If you have already tried these products what do you like/dislike about them? Let me know in the comments below.

Love to you all